Sunday, May 13, 2012

My Sweet Dodger

Last night when I got home I found out that my dog had gotten attacked by a coyote. His neck and mouth were bloody and he lost some of his teeth. We took him to the emergency vet and we found out that he has a broken palate in his mouth and he has a lot of puncture wounds in his neck and chest. He is in the hospital. Please pray that he is not in pain and heals quickly. I love him so much!

A fun Saturday

On Saturday I went to my friend Shayna's Bat Mitzvah. It was such a cool experience.:-) In the morning service I was honored by getting to open the ark! :-) At the night party, we danced, ate tacos, and took some really cool pictures. It was so much fun. Thank you so much for inviting me Shayna.:-)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Trying to Adjust

I am almost finished with my first week back to school and dance. It has been a tough week. :-( I have had to make up state testing. Not fun, but easy. I am really not enjoying my chair and my exercises. But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger! :-) My friends and family are really supporting me. Shout out to all of my fans in Germany! :-) Yesterday was a long tough day, but today my mom took me shopping which makes it all the better.

Monday, May 7, 2012


Today was my first day back to school and it was great to see my friends and teachers! I had to do makeup testing but I have no homework this week.
Tonight my scoliosis traction chair was delivered. My mom and our friends the Tsujiharas and the Sarkissians helped put it together. It took 3 hours!
Thank you!!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Awesome Friends!

Today my sweet dance friend Stefanie came by and brought me an edible bouquet and photo of us. :-) It was so thoughtful!
Also Aunt Sandy and Morgan came by to see me & brought me a carrot cake. My favorite. We forgot to take a picture! :-(
My dancing sister, Camryn, gave me a beautiful cross bracelet last night.
I feel so loved!! :-)

I'm Back!!!!!

Made it back to California. I made it to dance awards dinner last night. Here I am with my beautiful dance teacher Ms. Hilary.
I slept 11 hours last night! I'm still exhausted. Today I have to get some school work done. Tomorrow I can't wait to see my friends at school! Thanks for the awesome card they made me. Also thanks for the beautiful flowers from the Coddings!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Goodbye Texas

This morning we are leaving to go home. Here I am saying goodbye to my Gramps and my youngest cousin Gabe! Also here is Tex with Gabe and Gramps.